Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Wulfrik: CL Werner

Wulfrik: CL Werner
A Warhammer Heroes Novel

Emerging from the mists, Wulfrik the Wanderer brings destruction and death everywhere he treads. Cursed by the Ruinous Powers, the champion must travel across the Old World and seek prizes to appease the forces of Chaos. But now dark forces plot against Wulfrik, and he must discover the enemy within or else his soul will be lost to the Dark Gods forever.

Now, as this was my first adventure into the realms of the Warhammer World, I was a bit confused at the start, like I was when I read my first 40k Novel, which was in fact Emperor’s Mercy by Henry Zou. However, I quickly got used to it and quickly enjoyed it, which was defiantly a promising start.

Now, In case you’re wondering, Warhammer Heroes is kind of similar to the Space Marine Battle Series for 40k, however it focuses upon Heroes (and anti-heroes, in Wulfrik’s case), instead of the adeptus astartes. This means that you don’t have to pick up its predecessor, Sword of Justice by Chris Wraight to understand what’s going on here – however, I might pick it up anyway, judging by this book.

Anyway, onto the actual review. The characters, especially the Wanderer himself, are really flushed out and well developed, and, not everyone is your typical Chaos Marauder, either, as Wulfrik is fighting for something that not many fight for (Or at least I think, because I’m not an expert on Chaos Marauders, or Warhammer in its whole), although they are portrayed as a sort of Viking-type people. I don’t really know if that’s common or not.

There’s also great description of both the characters and the settings, as well as the backstories, and CL Werner does this without spoiling the pace of the novel for us. Also, the action is fantastic, as the author splits it up well and delivers loads of twists and turns to keep us hooked.

The Pacing of Wulfrik is great, and an enjoyable read overall. I’m looking forward to reading more works from CL Werner, who is the author of the Thanquol & Boneripper series, by the way.

Maybe I would have enjoyed Wulfrik even more if I was a Warhammer Fantasy veteran, but I must say its tempted me to buy more Fantasy books nonetheless.

Rating: 8/10 – Great Read, a bit confusing for new fantasy readers (like me), but I’m sure a seasoned fantasy reader will love it.

Should you buy this book? Yes.

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